Pros & Cons of Cordless Power Tools

Cordless power tools have proved to be quite popular in last 5 or 6 years and they have been replacing traditional power tools for better and worse. That’s how technology works; something better gets introduced and replaces the older form, completely or partially.

But every latest product isn’t always the best, sometimes it works for you and sometimes it doesn’t. Here are the key benefits and drawbacks of cordless tools:


There are few areas where cordless power tools beat traditional power tools handily:


Lack of physical cords and light weight enable manufacturers to achieve a more ergonomic and compact design that in turn allows for extra cushion of convenience.


Because of a compact design and absence of electrical cords, cordless power tools are a lot more portable than their counterparts as you can easily tuck them into your bags.

No Need of Power Outlet

One of the major advantages of cordless power tools is that they use Lithium batteries for operation so you don’t need a power source. For the same reason cordless tools can be of great use in remote areas where power is not available.


As there are no physical cords, there is a lesser chance of operator or any other person at the job site to trip over and fall. Besides, lack of physical cords also lessens the risk of electrocution.


Now let’s take a closer look at the disadvantages of cordless tools:


Cordless tools use the latest technology and more often than not modern technology is relatively expensive as OEMs are trying to cover their Research and Development costs which is quite understandable. So, if there is a traditional power tool and a cordless power tool and both do the same thing then most probably the cordless one will have a steeper price tag.

Less Reliable

Traditional tools are being manufactured for decades; hence, the engineering involved in the manufacturing of traditional power tools is far more reliable and time tested. On the other hand, manufacturing procedures and engineering of cordless tools are still in their infancy and need time to achieve the same level of perfection.

That’s why cordless tools are more prone to defects and damages when compared to the power tools with cord. Besides, you can always plug in the cord of a traditional power tool and expect it to work, but the same can’t be said about cordless power tools as one may forget to recharge the battery. If you are working with a cordless power tool you must remember to recharge your battery after every project.

Less Powerful

Although it’s not that big of an issue for a casual consumer, the lack of heavy duty performance may become a deal breaker for a professional or someone who demands extra power. Cordless tools are usually fine for light to medium work; however, they are not suitable and powerful enough to perform heavy tasks.

If you are a casual hobbyist who would be using his tool mostly for home projects, then there is nothing to worry about as cordless power tools will do the job handily. However, if you are a professional who does heavy tasks regularly, cordless power tools wouldn’t prove to be a right option. provides reconditioned power tools as well as measuring tools for sale. You can buy woodworking power tools online.

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